Tips & Trick

How Can I Clean My Phone Safely

A mobile phone is probably a precious gadget for anyone that connects us all over the world. If you want to get long-lasted service from your phone, you must have to maintain your phone. Cleaning the phone properly is undoubtedly an important maintenance way. Here I will provide you some mobile phone cleaning tips by following which you can clean your phone safely. So don’t waste any time and keep scrolling this page.

How to Sanitize Your Phone

Nowadays, sanitizing your phone is important for a smartphone user, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic. It would help if you cleaned your phone once a day. You can follow various tips for cleaning your phone. First, you must have to unplug your phone and use a lint-free cloth slightly dampened with soap and water. It would help if you did not spray cleaners directly onto the device.

Always try to keep liquids and moisture away from any openings on the device. I also write some other mobile phone cleaning tips in detail in the following discussion as well.

The Safest Option Is To Wipe

Apple and Google are the two most popular brands, and their advice is to use a 70% alcohol wipe as the best option for cleaning your phone. Anyone can use these wipes on all the phone’s exterior surfaces, such as the display and rear casing, avoiding any openings on the phone like headphone ports, speakers, etc. The phone specialists in your nearby supermarket or online also use these alcohol wipes for cleaning phones in the primary stage. These wipes are also easy to find and also at a reasonable price.

Use Mild Soap & Water As An Alternative

using mild soap and water as an alternative method will work when alcohol wipes fail for cleaning and not be as good for germ-busting as alcohol wipes. You should first mix soap and water and keep in mind that your phone should not be dunk in the soap mixed water. Because that can seriously damage the phone’s internal parts. You can clean it by dipping a microfiber in the soap mixed water.

If all else fails, give it a light rinse – but only if it’s waterproof.

Mainly, this pit is only for waterproof phones. If you are still unable to clean your phone properly, then you can follow this tip. But first, you should ensure that your phone is waterproof or not. If you don’t have wipes or dish soap and your phone is waterproof, then you are ready to rinse. But if it is not waterproof, washing in water may occur some serious damages.

Don’t Forget To Clean Your Phone Case

A phone can be dusty also for the phone case. So cleaning the phone case might be an important one. You have to remove the phone from the case for cleaning it. A phone case could have been in various types. It can be made with plastic, leather, wood, rubber, and silicone. You will have to use a mild cleaner with the cloth to clean the leather case. You can use water and soap for cleaning the plastic case and finally use regular wipes to clean the wooden phone case.

Some Avoided Things for Cleaning Phone

You can not use all cleaning items for cleaning a mobile phone. You always have to be careful about what you are using to clean your phone. Always try to avoid the following items. Otherwise, it may be the key to damaging your phone.

  • general-purpose household cleaners, especially those that contain bleach
  • makeup remover
  • antibacterial wipes that do not contain 70% alcohol or another product on the EPA’s list
  • wound cleaners
  • soap
  • vinegar

I think you get some basic ideas in the cleaning segment of a phone. I always have tried to provide you with the necessary tips in this article. However, all the information may not be 100% right. If you can find any wrong, please inform me of the right one by adding a comment in the following comment section.