Custom ROM

What Is The Difference Between Stock ROM And Custom ROM?

People often become confused about stock ROM and custom ROM. Many android users do not understand the differences between them. Not only differences, but many of us also do not know what actually stock ROM or custom ROM is. That is why I was researching online a bit about these two. And I’m here to clear your confusion on stock ROM and custom ROM.

In this post, there will be a clear definition of stock ROM and custom ROM. So when someone asks you about it, you can clearly answer. And also, I’ll be trying to explain the differences between both of them. So let’s go down and start reading till the end.

Android Stock ROM (Firmware ROM)

When you buy your Android device, you have to have an operating system installed in it; your device’s manufacturer has installed it. This pre-installed operating system is called stock ROM / firmware. In these ROMs, the manufacturer installs some of their own applications as system apps (these are bloatware, bloatware) which usually cannot be uninstalled. Besides, many manufacturers market the device by editing the original Android source and creating their own user interface (User Interface, UI). Most manufacturers release the source code of their stock ROM, which you can download and edit if you wish.

Android Custom ROMs

Custom ROM is some customized operating system based on Android. For example, Samsung’s main user interface and HTC’s user interface. Similarly, all these user interfaces are further customized, and various custom ROMs are created by adding various facilities, such as Cyanogenmod, AoKp’s custom ROM. Even if your phone doesn’t get the official Android update, you can enjoy the updated Android by rooting and installing the custom ROM.

Main Difference Between Android Stock ROM & Android Custom ROMs

Android stock ROM is not customizable. And Custom ROM gives you a huge customization feature. That is the main difference between both of them. But many questions are frequently asked. There are some more differences between both of them too. In the following, I’ll try to explain it to you briefly.

Custom ROM Benefits

If you are no more getting operating system updates on your device, you may get it if you install a custom ROM. Different custom ROM has different benefits. Before installing a custom ROM, you have to read about what benefits you will have installed it.  The main reason people prefer a custom ROM that it gives you huge customizable features. If you have an old smartphone and stopped receiving updates and the is slow. You can go for custom ROM. Many gamers also prefer custom ROM to play games smoothly on their devices.

Stock ROM Benefits

Stock ROM is a built-in ROM. Stock ROM does not have many benefits like custom ROM, but the mobile operator gave this ROM, so it is more secure and powerful in custom ROM. And most of the time, this is bug-free. So if you have no speed issue or storage issue with your phone, you should stay with your stock ROM.

Disadvantages of Custom ROM

Sorry to say that custom ROM has some disadvantages too. Several programmers and companies build this ROM. Sometimes a custom ROM can have some bug issues. And there is a concern of security too. And that’s it; I do not see other cons than these two.

Disadvantages Of Stock ROM

We all know about the disadvantages of stock ROM. It is limited and not customizable. It won’t give you all the operating system updates you are looking for, And it also takes a lot of storage. Stock ROM is a nightmare to many ancient devices because old devices become out of storage and slow.

Still, if you think we have mistaken on something or want to learn more about ROMs in android, please let us know by commenting below. Here we have some more articles about ROMs that are recommended for you to read.