
Does Motorola Edge 30 Ultra Have Android 13?

The Motorola Edge 30 Ultra is an exceptional phone solely designed and developed by Motorola that will be launched internationally on 31 August 2022.

No, Motorola Edge 30 Ultra Doesn’t Have Android 13

The Motorola Edge 30 Ultra has Android 12 as its operating system. And when it’s the launching time of the new Android 13, Motorola Edge 30 Ultra is launching with the fully optimized Android 12 and its best feature.

The Motorola Edge 30 doesn’t have Android 13 because Google will launch its Android 13 Pixel 6 Pro and Pixel 6 phones may be in late October.

And another reason is Google Android 13 is not fully developed yet, even though the beta versions are not made available. But, Motorola Edge 30 Ultra is a flagship phone for Motorola.